This is an english translation of my article for SharePoint Advent “VON A BIS Z: ERSTELLUNG EINES DISPLAY TEMPLATES FÜR DIE SHAREPOINT SUCHE UM DIE EIGENSCHAFTEN EINES DOKUMENTS SICHTBAR ZU MACHEN”. Display Templates can be used in Web Parts to individualize search results (see also Introduction to Display Templates on MSDN). In this article I will show you how a Display Template for SharePoint 2013 Search is structured, why you need them and how to customize/extend them.
In this article I will show you how to create SharePoint 2010/2013 Search Content Sources with a handy powershell script and why you should care. This is my 100th blog post and therefore it has to be something with SharePoint Search - something good. I had the idea for the script on my mind for quite a while now, but there was no project and no time to create it - until now.
I am trying something new for me: This will be a huge picture post. Today we have a bridge day in Germany and that means most of my colleagues and clients are taking the day off. Ideal time for me to replace my SharePoint installation and bring it to a new level. Why did I upgrade? Well, lets say I have a fable to try everything new out before customers asks me some questions about it – and I kinda like shiney new stuff.