I took the AZ-200 beta exam last year and the exam did not make it out of beta. It was replaced with the AZ-203 exam. I am pretty sure that I did not meet the 70% threshold to be automatically credited with the AZ-203 certification. I had to learn for the AZ-201 certification anyways.
Update (18.01.2019): I did pass AZ-200, but it was not enough to get credited for AZ-203.
I am a very big fan of Azure App Service - the flexibility and power you get from this service always amazes me. But recently Static website hosting in Azure Storage was announced and because of the static nature of this blog it would be an ideal fit! So lets see how the migration goes, right? In this lengthy post I show you how I migrated from Azure App Service to Azure Storage Static Website Hosting, from Deployment to Custom Domain.
For the past 7.5 years I worked as Consultant at Alegri in Munich - and I am immensely grateful for all the experience I gathered there with awesome colleagues and a very open and rewarding culture! From SharePoint to Office 365 to Azure I had very diverse and challenging projects and I learned a lot and had good fun - thanks a lot!
But for some time now, I was thinking of heading in another direction.
Maximilian Melcher is a Cloud Solution Architect working at Microsoft in Munich, Germany. Max is a specialist in Azure cloud technologies focused on Application Development, DevOps and Lift&Shift in an enterprise context. He has led cloud implementations for Dax 30 companies since 2009. Max’ free time is spent on twitter, mostly with a good coffee in his hands - or below real clouds when he flies with his paraglider. You need some consulting experience? Feel free to contact me!