This post highlights key events & learnings as Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect in the Customer Success Unit. I want to share what I do, what I learned, community contributions, and more. Three years at Microsoft, what a ride!
This post highlights key events & learnings as Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect in the Customer Success Unit. I want to share what I do, what I learned, community contributions, and more. Three years at Microsoft, what a ride!
My blog has a bit of legacy: From Wordpress to Hugo. From Azure App Service to Azure Static Websites on Azure Blob. And in this post, I tell you about my migration to Azure Static Web Apps. Azure Static Web Apps Azure Static Web Apps are generally available since May 2021 - and I waited way to long to migrate this blog to it, they are amazing! CDN, CI/CD, Custom Domain with SSL - pretty much everything that I puzzled together in previous iterations - “AS A SERVICE” for free (or little money).
I use Release Annotations to tell Azure Application Insights about notable changes. In exchange Application Insights can then tell me, that e.g. my latest deployment is slower than the previous one. I got a lot of value out of this so i wanted to have that for a current deployment. My build agent is Ubuntu-based - and the provided examples in the documentation use PowerShell scripts to annotate the deployment. I could obviously install powershell on my build agent, but it is just a single REST call so another dependency on the build agent was too much for me.
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