Being a SharePoint architect can be challenging - you need to deal with everything from hardware, resources, requirements, business continuity management, a budget and of course customers. You, the architect, have to manage all this and in the end deliver a good architecture that satisfies all the needs of your customer. Along the line you have to make decisions based on experience, facts and sometimes the gut feeling. In this session we will cover some of the architectural changes in the SharePoint 2013 architecture, some of the new guidance from Microsoft and provide insight into a number of successful real-world scenarios.
Recently I talked to some clients because of a “Search-First” SharePoint 2013 migration (more about this topic will follow). During a training this week I got aware of a serious issue with the “Search-first” approach, especially with the really nice Office Web Apps 2013 Search Previews you get for free (read only!).
Problem Some clients want to start their migration with setting up a new SharePoint 2013 farm. This new farm then crawls the old SharePoint 2010 farm.
Preview of Office Documents (this includes PDF) is a huge benefit when you are searching for information – you can quickly identify if the document is the one you are looking for or skimming/scanning a document efficiently. To get the preview up and running you have to install Office Web Apps 2013 – PDF preview was added in March Public Update 2013 – that’s great, many clients have asked me why there is no support in the 2010 stack.