On June, 6th 2016 we have met at Alegri in Munich to have our very own Enterprise Productivity & Search meetup. This time David Hollembaek talked about Usage Analytics and how to easily gain insights by using Azure Application Insights.
We had ~10 attendees, great questions and lots of fun.
Usage Analytics Dave told us how easily it is to setup App Insights and add it to a page to track events.
Yesterday we met at our monthly “Search Stammtisch / Meetup” in Munich in one of the most charming locations. Like every month, the scope of discussion was broad and this led also to a short discussion of Brand. As a result we are rebranding the meeting and giving it a proper and more precise name: Enterprise Productivity & Search
Why the name? Because it sounds cool - and because we do not only talk about (SharePoint) search, but we also touch so many topics that boost and affect productivity within an enterprise.