Session by Simon Skinner (@CymonSkinner)

SharePoint is now a company standard, but what is supported, sensible, or even practicable? How do we go about monitoring and managing SharePoint? In this session, we discuss the virtualization path and best practices using Hyper-V for high availability and why virtualization makes sense. […]
Here are my notes:
Session by Paolo Pialorsi (@PaoloPia)

In this session, you learn how authentication and authorization work in SharePoint 2013, either when handling direct users’ requests, or running requests for SharePoint apps. In particular, see how to federate with an external Identity Provider like Windows Azure ACS to authenticate users and then authorize them in SharePoint, leveraging claims.
There is one Level 400 session (highest) – guess what’s it about? Right, Authentication.
Here are my session notes.
Corey Burke (@cburke007) and Todd Klindt (@toddklindt)– Entertaining SharePoint Administration

In this session, we cover what’s new in SharePoint 2013. First, we cover installing SharePoint 2013 and configuring your new farm. This session provides what to need to start planning your new SharePoint 2013 farm and dovetails nicely into Part 2, which covers changes in SharePoint 2013 the SharePoint administrator should know about. We cover changes to how you’ll plan your farm topology. We also cover the changes to the Search service application and how that impacts scale. Finally, we spend some time talking about everyone’s favorite part of SharePoint Server, the User Profile Service.
That’s quite a lot for one session – but Todd is a fast speaker. The session also includes cheap jokes about SharePoint Developers, guaranteed!
So here are my session notes: