This will be a quick one: In this post I show you how to purge/empty an Azure CDN during an Azure DevOps deployment.
The Why
As described in this post, I use the fantastic Azure Storage Static Website feature to host this blog. SSL is a must, even for static websites - so I have to use an Azure CDN to get a free certificate. Every deployment rebuilds the entire blog and because of its static nature some artifacts can be cached for a longer duration (days!). But once I publish, I want to ensure that the most recent version is distributed and then cached in the CDN.
Deployment with Azure DevOps
I am already deploying this blog with Azure DevOps because its super fast and simple to setup - so I adjusted my build pipeline and added one more CLI task:
#purge everything
az cdn endpoint purge -g melcherit -n melcher --profile-name melcher --content-paths "/*"
More infos about the CLI commands are available here.
My entire pipeline looks like this:
or in YAML:
- task: AzureCLI@1
displayName: 'Azure CLI: Purge CDN'
azureSubscription: '<Subscription>'
scriptLocation: inlineScript
inlineScript: |
#purge everything
call az cdn endpoint purge -g melcherit -n melcher --profile-name melcher --content-paths "/*"
Unfortunately the Standard Microsoft CDN Profile does not allow pre-loading of assets - but with the limit of 10 load requests per minute with up to 50 paths loading this blog with 8600 files would take ~18 minutes:
And that would not make too much sense because the first load after the purge is really fast.
One small addition to my Azure DevOps pipeline - and it worked on the first try! Big like.
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